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Wix Tutorial - Create a Pre-Loader

When visitors land on your Wix website, the initial white screen during loading can be off-putting. Research shows you have only a few seconds to capture a visitor's attention. A preloader is a simple yet effective way to enhance user experience and retain visitors by adding a custom loading screen while your website loads.

In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through how to add a preloader to your Wix website by inserting a custom code snippet.


Step 1: Access the Tracking & Analytics Settings

  • Log into your Wix Dashboard.

  • Navigate to Settings.

  • Scroll down and click Tracking Tools & Analytics.

  • In the Tracking Tools & Analytics window, click + New Tool, and select Custom from the dropdown menu.


Step 2: Insert the Preloader Code

  • In the Custom Code window, paste the following code snippet into the box labeled "Paste the code snippet here:"

Wix Code:

<div class="sk-folding-cube" id="preloader">
<div class="sk-cube1 sk-cube"></div>
<div class="sk-cube2 sk-cube"></div>
<div class="sk-cube4 sk-cube"></div>
<div class="sk-cube3 sk-cube"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var preload = document.getElementById("preloader");
var loading = 0;
var id = setInterval(frame, 64);
function frame(){
if(loading == 100){
} else {
loading = loading + 1;
if(loading == 90){ = "0";
.sk-folding-cube {
height: 2em;
width: 2em;
overflow: show;
margin: auto;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
-webkit-transform: rotateZ(45deg);
transform: rotateZ(45deg);
.sk-folding-cube .sk-cube {
float: left;
width: 50%;
height: 50%;
position: relative;
-webkit-transform: scale(1.1);
-ms-transform: scale(1.1);
transform: scale(1.1);
.sk-folding-cube .sk-cube:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: #000000;
-webkit-animation: sk-foldCubeAngle 2.4s infinite linear both;
animation: sk-foldCubeAngle 2.4s infinite linear both;
-webkit-transform-origin: 100% 100%;
-ms-transform-origin: 100% 100%;
transform-origin: 100% 100%;
.sk-folding-cube .sk-cube2 {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(90deg);
transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(90deg);
.sk-folding-cube .sk-cube3 {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(180deg);
transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(180deg);
.sk-folding-cube .sk-cube4 {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(270deg);
transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(270deg);
.sk-folding-cube .sk-cube2:before {
-webkit-animation-delay: 0.3s;
animation-delay: 0.3s;
.sk-folding-cube .sk-cube3:before {
-webkit-animation-delay: 0.6s;
animation-delay: 0.6s;
.sk-folding-cube .sk-cube4:before {
-webkit-animation-delay: 0.9s;
animation-delay: 0.9s;
@-webkit-keyframes sk-foldCubeAngle {
0%, 10% {
-webkit-transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(-180deg);
transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(-180deg);
opacity: 0;
} 25%, 75% {
-webkit-transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(0deg);
transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(0deg);
opacity: 1;
} 90%, 100% {
-webkit-transform: perspective(140px) rotateY(180deg);
transform: perspective(140px) rotateY(180deg);
opacity: 0;
@keyframes sk-foldCubeAngle {
0%, 10% {
-webkit-transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(-180deg);
transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(-180deg);
opacity: 0;
} 25%, 75% {
-webkit-transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(0deg);
transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(0deg);
opacity: 1;
} 90%, 100% {
-webkit-transform: perspective(140px) rotateY(180deg);
transform: perspective(140px) rotateY(180deg);
opacity: 0;

  • Name your tool: For example, you can call it “Preloader.”

  • Under Apply to Pages, select All Pages (or specific pages if you prefer).

  • Under Place Code In, select Head.

  • Click Apply to save your changes.


Step 3: Customize Your Preloader

  • To change the background color of the preloader, replace the #000000 in the background-color property with your preferred hex color code.


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